<rp id="04pv8"><rp id="04pv8"><small id="04pv8"></small></rp></rp>

  1. 亚洲国产精品丝袜在线观看,亚洲高清一区二区三区电影,纯爱无遮挡h肉动漫在线播放,99视频在线精品国自产拍

    Industry News
    Dongguan Lewei Plastic Products Co., Ltd. website has been revised successfully!

    Product Description

    PP golden flakes are suitable for high-end food packaging such as high-end moon cakes, chocolates, etc., which can be directly in contact with food and reach food-grade.

    PP two-color film is suitable for food packaging such as sushi, pastry, high-end fast food, supermarket food, etc. It can directly contact with food and reach food grade.

    PP various color tablets are suitable for packaging of food, cosmetics, medical and other products. It can be in direct contact with food and cosmetics and reach food grade.

    Industry Introduction

    Company News
    Industry News
    online service
    亚洲国产精品丝袜在线观看,亚洲高清一区二区三区电影,纯爱无遮挡h肉动漫在线播放,99视频在线精品国自产拍 亚洲AV无码一区二区三区性色| 国产精品久线在线观看| 精品久久亚洲高清不卡| 久久精品人人做人人综| 国产成人无码精品久久二区三区| 国产成a人亚洲精v品在线观看| xx视频在线永久免费观看| 在线精品国产一区二区三区88| 久久久久Av免费无码久久| 国产一级a毛一级a看免费视频|